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  • Receive spiritual guidance/orientation by Garrett Chaplain Karen Mosby 
  • Access a “Welcome to Our Community” video in advance of classes starting
  • Have an established relationship before classes start 
  • Learn more about our seminary community before engaging it
  • Combat loneliness and isolation
  • Make memories
  • Establish a connection and feeling of belonging 
  • Interest in being a companion 
  • Enhance your graduate life experience by sharing your journey with others 
  • Gain professional experience of mentoring 
  • Receive a personally rewarding opportunity that suits your schedule 
  • Build trust within the community
  • Foster relationships
  • 4 hours minimum time commitment per semester (one hour per month from Sep.-Dec.)
  • Improve your communication skills
  • Create and contribute to a sense of belonging for incoming students
  • Make memories 
  • How is graduate school/seminary life (more specifically) different from undergrad?
  • Coursework and work/life balance and expectations
  • Differences between where you are from or previously lived and cities of Evanston/Chicago
  • What spiritual practices do you find life-giving (i.e. energizing, motivating, calming, peaceful, joyful, etc.)?
  • What spiritual practices do you find challenging (i.e. tiresome, time-consuming, uninteresting, unfamiliar, etc.)?
  • Does your cultural, ethnic/race, or family background influence how you express your spirituality?

August 2020

  • Orientation ends and new academic year begins

September 2020

  • Current student should make contact with new student before end of the month 

  • Suggested Activity
    • Swap recipes and make each others’ favorite foods 
  • Sharing a Spiritual Practice
    • I Kings 19:11-13 (NRSV): 11 (An angel of the Lord) said, “Go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Now there was a great wind, so strong that it was splitting mountains and breaking rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; 12 and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound of sheer silence. 13 When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. Then there came a voice to him that said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” 

    • Read the scripture passage silently. Be still for 30 seconds, taking deep breaths.

    • Read the passage two more times with each person taking a turn to read and listen. When it is your turn to listen make a note of any words, phrases, and/or verses that stand out for you. Take a few breaths after each reading/listening.

    • Share the responses you feel comfortable sharing.

    • Reflect together on the following questions:
      • How has God surprised you recently or showed up in a way that you did not expect? 
      • What was your response? 
    • Closing Prayer: 
God of wonder and mystery, thank You for the many ways You make Yourself known to us. Sometimes in ways we expect and sometimes in ways we never imagined. Attune our hearts and our spirits, God, so that we do not limit you. Open us to the endless possibilities of Your faithfulness so that we do not miss You at work. Amen. 

  • Make other connections throughout the month on your own

October 2020

  • Suggested Activity
    • Make a collage (digitally or on paper) of images that represent your favorite Bible verse and discuss

    • What are some questions you have about community at Garrett? Exchange responses with your companion and see if you can gain some new insights.
      • What does community mean to you and why do you need it?
      • How do you find it virtually? Maintain it virtually?
      • How do you branch out if you tend to interact with the same people over and over?
      • Others? 

November 2020

  • Suggested Activity
    • Each make a list of things you are thankful for and share with each other

    • In this season of thanksgiving, reflect on what keeps you from thanksgiving. 

    • How often during the day do you find yourself grumbling and complaining? 
      • Why is thankfulness an important part of the Christian life? 
      • How can you foster a thankful heart and an appreciation for God’s work in your life today?
      • What ways do you give thanks on a regular basis in your life?
      • Source Blog - Three Questions: Thankfulness by Melissa Kruger

December 2020

  • By or Before 12/9 (Wed)Closing plenary for all matches; activity TBD