  • Log in to ADP at
  • Click on Myself/Time Off/Request Time Off
  • On this new page, you will want to choose the day or days you want to request time off. Make sure you deselect any weekend dates.
  • Select the blue "Request Time Off" button.
  • A new screen opens, in the "Time Off Policy" box, you will need to select the type of time off you are requesting, vacation, sick, bereavement, or jury duty.
  • In the amount box, you will note the number of hours you are taking.  For a full day off, you would enter 7 hours or for Buildings & Grounds 7.5 hours. 
  • While not required, you can enter notes in the "Comment" section for your supervisor to see when approving your time off.
  • You do not need to fill in the respond by date.
  • Hit the submit button. 
  • You can request vacation and sick time that you have not yet accrued so long as you don't request more than you would have accrue in that same year.

When you are in the Time Off menu, you can select Time Off and then "Time Off Balances" to view sick and vacation time balances. If you want to see requests you have submitted, you would select Time Off and then "List of Requests." This shows whether the requests are pending approved or denied.