Overview of all options in the Myself Menu

When you are logged in, towards the top of the webpage, you will see several menus you are able to select. Click on the menu for Myself and a drop-down menu will appear: 

My Information:

  1. "Profile" is where you can see and/or update your personal information (address, phone), emergency contact(s), or view or edit educational or other credentials. You can also view work information (title, hire date, department) and your annual and monthly compensation.

Personal Information Menu:

  1. "Dependents and Beneficiaries" shows dependents who are included on your medical, dental, vision, or voluntary spouse or child life insurance. 

Employment Menu:

  1. "My Documents" is where you can access the documents that you are legally allowed to view in your personnel file. This is a new feature as of February 2020 and due to COVID-19 and remote work, we have been unable to keep to our original timeframe of uploading all paper personnel files to ADP. The documents there now are only the ones we currently had electronic. This is also where you would navigate to when alerted that you have a document that needs an electronic signature.

Pay Menu:

  1. "Annual Statements" has your W2 and, if applicable, 1095-C – we will continue to receive a paper copy but you are able to download an electric copy.
  2. "Calculators" are calculators ADP provides for your personal use.
  3. "Payment Options" is where you can view and update your direct deposit information. See the instructions at right to update direct deposit information.
  4. "Tax withholdings" shows what your federal and state tax exemptions are and you can see at right how to update these forms.
  5. "Pay statements" has all of your checks which you may print.

Talent Menu:

  1. "Performance Dashboard" is where you can access historical performance reviews or complete your performance review.
  2. "Performance Goals" is where you view, create, and update annual performance goals.

The Benefits Menu is where you will soon be able to see your benefits. We will also be using ADP in the future for open enrollment or making changes to benefits when you have a qualifying life event.